December 14, 2022
H T Hsiao et al, 2022. Cognitive Decline Related to Diet Pattern and Nutritional Adequacy in Alzheimer’s Disease Using Surface-Based Morphometry, Nutrients, Volume 14 (24).
Dietary pattern (DP) results in nutrition adequacy and may influence cognitive decline and cortical atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The study explored DP in 248 patients with AD. Two neurobehavioral assessments (intervals 13.4 months) and two cortical thickness measurements derived from magnetic resonance images (intervals 26.5 months) were collected as outcome measures. Reduced rank regression was used to assess the groups of DPs and a linear mixed-effect model to explore the cortical neurodegenerative patterns. At screening, underweight body mass index (BMI) was related to significant higher lipid profile, impaired cognitive function, smaller cortical thickness, lower protein DP factor loading scores and the non-spouse caregiver status. Higher mini-mental state examination (MMSE) scores were related to the DP of coffee/tea, compared to the lipid/sugar or protein DP group. The underweighted-BMI group had faster cortical thickness atrophy in the pregenual and lateral temporal cortex, while the correlations between cortical thickness degeneration and high HbA1C or low B12 and folate levels were localized in the medial and lateral prefrontal cortex. The predictive model suggested that factors related to MMSE score were related to the caregiver status. In conclusion, normal or overweight BMI, coffee/tea DP group and living with a spouse were considered as protective factors for better cognitive outcomes in patients with AD. The influence of glucose, B12 and folate on the cortical degeneration was spatially distinct from the pattern of AD degeneration.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.