January 27, 2020
D-E Kang et al, 2020. Comparison of acrylamide and furan concentrations, antioxidants activities, and volatile profiles on cold or hot brew coffees, Food Science Biotechnology, Volume 29 (1).
t The aim of this study was to investigate the formation of furan and acrylamide and to compare antioxidant capacities and volatile compounds in cold or hot brewed coffees. Cold brews were prepared at 5 C and 20 C for 12 h. using steeping and dripping, and hot brews were prepared at 80 C and 95 C for 5 min. using the pour-over method. Furan contents of cold steeping at 5 C and hot brewed at 80 C showed the higher levels significantly (p\ 0.05), which were 17.0 ± 0.5 and 10.6 ± 0.1 ng/mL, respectively. However, acrylamide contents in cold steeping at 5 C and hot brew at 80 C showed lower levels, which were 4.1 ± 0.4 and 3.5 ± 0.1 ng/mL respectively. Cold brews at 20 C showed the highest levels of antioxidant activities while hot brews showed similar levels with cold brews at 5 C. This study confirms that levels of different beneficial and hazardous chemical compounds could be manipulated by adjusting the coffee extraction conditions.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.