May 14, 2020
S K Hussain et al, 2020. Dietary protein, fiber and coffee are associated with small intestine microbiome composition and diversity in patients with liver cirrhosis, Nutrients, Volume 12.
The gut microbiome is a key factor in chronic liver disease progression. In prior research, we found that the duodenal microbiome was associated with sex, ethnicity, and cirrhosis complications. Here, we examined the association between diet and the duodenal microbiome in patients with liver cirrhosis. This study included 51 participants who completed a detailed food frequency questionnaire and donated duodenal biopsies for microbiome characterization by 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing. Data were analyzed for alpha diversity, beta diversity, and association of taxa abundance with diet quality and components using QIIME 2 pipelines. Diet quality was assessed through calculation of the Healthy Eating Index 2010. Participants with higher adherence to protein recommendations exhibited increased microbial richness and evenness (p =0.03) and a different microbial profile compared to those with lower adherence (p =0.03). Prevotella-9 and Agathobacter were increased in association with increased protein adherence. Fiber consumption was also associated with the duodenal microbial profile (p =0.01), with several taxa exhibiting significantly decreased or increased abundance in association with fiber intake. Coffee drinking was associated with microbial richness and evenness (p =0.001), and there was a dose–response association between coffee drinking and relative abundance of Veillonella (p =0.01). We conclude that protein, fiber, and coffee are associated with diversity and composition of the duodenal microbiome in liver cirrhosis.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.