April 30, 2014
G B Goh et al, 2014, Coffee, alcohol and other beverages in relation to cirrhosis mortality: the Singapore Chinese Health Study, Hepatology, published online ahead of print.
Human Study – Liver
ABSTRACT: Limited experimental and epidemiologic data suggest that coffee may reduce hepatic damage in chronic liver disease. The association between consumption of coffee and other beverages, and risk of cirrhosis mortality was evaluated in The Singapore Chinese Health Study. This is a prospective population‐based cohort of 63,275 middle-aged and older Chinese subjects who provided data on diet, lifestyle and medical histories through in‐person interviews using structured questionnaire at enrollment between 1993 and 1998. Mortality from cirrhosis in the cohort was ascertained through linkage analysis with nationwide death registry. After a mean follow‐up of 14.7 years, 114 subjects died from cirrhosis; 33 of them from viral hepatitis B (29%), two from hepatitis C (2%), and 14 from alcohol‐related cirrhosis (12%). Compared to non‐drinkers, daily alcohol drinkers had a strong dose‐dependent positive association between amount of alcohol and risk of cirrhosis mortality. Conversely, there was a strong dose dependent inverse association between coffee intake and risk of non‐viral hepatitis related cirrhosis mortality (p for trend=0.013). Compared to non‐daily coffee drinkers, those who drank two or more cups per day had 66% reduction in mortality risk (HR=0.34, 95% CI=0.14‐0.80). However, coffee intake was not associated with hepatitis B related cirrhosis mortality. The inverse relationship between caffeine intake and hepatitis B related cirrhosis mortality became null after adjustment for coffee drinking. The consumption of black tea, green tea, fruit juices or soft drinks was not associated with risk of cirrhosis death. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the protective effect of coffee on non‐viral hepatitis related cirrhosis mortality, and provides further impetus to evaluate coffee as a potential therapeutic agent in patients with cirrhosis. (Hepatology 2014;).
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.