
November 22, 2021

europsychiatric Effects of Caffeine in Older Adults

E Kim et al, 2022.A Brewed Awakening: Neuropsychiatric Effects of Caffeine in Older Adults, Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, Volume 38 (1).

Daily caffeine consumption is common among older adults in the United States, although prevalence data on caffeine use disorder in this population is lacking. Although multiple studies have shown caffeine use may be related to decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, research demonstrates conflicting associations between caffeine, cognitive disorders and benefits on cognition.  Long-term caffeine intake is inversely associated with the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. However, the potential of caffeine to alleviate the motor symptoms of parkinsonism may be temporary, if at all.  Regular caffeine consumption has demonstrated possible protective effects against the development of late-life depression via a decrease in neuroinflammation. However, artificial sweeteners often used in caffeinated beverages may increase the risk of depression.  In older adults, anxiety often goes underdiagnosed and undertreated. Caffeine is a well-known anxiogenic agent and high caffeine consumption can exacerbate generalized anxiety disorders in older adults.  Caffeine can have psychopharmacological interactions with drugs metabolized in the liver by the CYP450 system, such as fluvoxamine, clozapine, zolpidem, whereas caffeine withdrawal may impact renal clearance of lithium.

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