July 17, 2018
S S Grant et al, 2018. Controlling for caffeine in cardiovascular disease research: a critical review, International Journal of Psychophysiology, published online.
Caffeine, the most widely consumed drug in the world, exerts numerous effects on cardiovascular activity. Thus, it is important and advisable to control for caffeine consumption in studies examining caffeine and/or cardiovascular activity and reactivity. This paper 1) reviews the literature concerning caffeine’s effects on cardiovascular parameters; 2) summarizes the widely varying protocols used to control for the drug in extant cardiovascular literature, and 3) provide guidelines for caffeine control procedures to minimize potentially confounding acute and withdrawal effects of the drug. An abstention period equal to the average half-life of the drug is recommended for creation of methodological controls for caffeine. Additional methodological recommendations are described concerning factors that moderate the half-life of caffeine. When feasible, researchers should consider and aim to control for caffeine’s acute and extended psychophysiological effects. This understudied issue has fundamental implications for caffeine-related investigations and research in psychophysiology and behavioral medicine.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.