
August 2, 2022

Coffee and cardiac arrhythmias: Up-date review of the literature and clinical studies

S Surma et al, 2022. Coffee and cardiac arrhythmias: Up-date review of the literature and clinical studies, Cardiology Journal, published online.

Coffee, next to water, is the most consumed drink in the world. Coffee contains over 1000 chemical compounds, the most popular of which are caffeine, chlorogenic acid, kahweol, cafestol and trigonelline. Numerous studies have shown the beneficial effects of coffee on the cardiovascular system, nervous system, digestive system and kidneys. Due to the high incidence of cardiac arrhythmias, especially atrial fibrillation, the influence of coffee consumption on arrhythmogenesis remains a controversial and clinically important issue. Many mechanisms by which coffee can increase and decrease the risk of arrhythmias have been described. Habitual consumption of moderate amounts of coffee seems to lead to less arrhythmias, which is reflected in the results of many clinical trials and meta-analyzes. This review summarizes the mechanisms of coffee action on the heart muscle and the results of the most recent important clinical trials assessing the impact of coffee consumption on the risk of various cardiac arrhythmias.

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