
October 24, 2022

Development of a Caffeine Content Table for Foods, Drinks, Medications and Supplements Typically Consumed by the Brazilian Population

Pedro Lucas de Amorim Rocha et al, 2022. Development of a Caffeine Content Table for Foods, Drinks, Medications and Supplements Typically Consumed by the Brazilian Population, Nutrients, Volume 14ABSTRACT:

Background: The lack of a national table informing the caffeine contents in foods, drinks, dietary supplements, and medications sold in Brazil added to the noncompulsory disclosure of caffeine contents on labels of food products makes it difficult to estimate caffeine consumption in the Brazilian population. Therefore, this study aimed to develop the Brazilian Caffeine Content Table (BraCaffT). Methods: A systematic search for caffeine levels in foods, drinks, recipes, supplements, and medications was performed through a literature review, afterward collecting data from the United States Department of Agriculture Food Data Central, information from manufacturers’ and websites, and the Brazilian official medication guide. Subsequently, data systematization was performed in a spreadsheet with standardized values presented in mg of caffeine per 100 g or 100 mL of food or drink and a capsule or pill for medications and some dietary supplements. Results: The BraCaffT presents 57 items, divided into 11 categories: coffees, teas and infusions, cocoa powder, chocolates, cocoa-based beverages, desserts, soft drinks, energy drinks, guaraná powder, dietary supplements, and medications. Conclusions: The BraCaffT emerges as an instrument of great relevance and wide applicability in clinical contexts, in academic research, and as a database for the Brazilian population to better understand the amounts of caffeine in foods, drinks, dietary supplements, and medications consumed daily favoring a safe intake.

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