January 4, 2022
C da Silva Portela et al, 2022. Effects of brewing conditions and coffee species on the physicochemical characteristics, preference and dynamics of sensory attributes perception in cold brews, Food Research International, published online.
The study aimed to assess the dominant sensory attributes and preference for cold brews prepared with different coffee species under different brewing conditions. Four beverages were brewed using Arabica and Robusta coffees with either a coarser coffee grind and extraction at 5 °C or a finer grind and extraction at 15 °C. Coffee flavor and bitter taste were dominant sensory attributes of all beverages, regardless of material and preparation. While there were no differences in preference, the composition and dominant sensory attributes differed among the cold brews. The use of different coffee species had a greater impact on the composition and the perception of the attributes of the cold brews than brewing conditions. Sourness and coffee flavor were more dominant in Arabica cold brews, which had higher trigonelline content and acidity, but bitter taste dominance was further reported. Meanwhile, bitterness and astringent sensation were more dominant in Robusta cold brews, with higher caffeine and total chlorogenic acid content; however, a high coffee flavor dominance was also observed.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.