
December 14, 2011

The effects of different doses of caffeine in endurance cycling time trial performance

B Desbrow et al, The effects of different doses of caffeine in endurance cycling time trial performance, Journal of Sports Sciences, 2011, published online ahead of print.

This study investigated the effects of two different doses of caffeine on endurance cycle time trial performance in 16 male athletes. Using a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover study design the 16 participants completed three experimental trials following training and dietary standardisation. Participants ingested either a placebo, or 3 or 6 mg/kg/bw of caffeine 90 minutes prior to completing a set amount of work equivalent to 75% of peak sustainable power output for 60 minutes. Exercise performance was significantly improved with both caffeine treatments as compared to placebo. The difference between the two caffeine doses was not statistically significant. Caffeine ingestion at either dose resulted in significantly higher heart rate values than the placebo conditions, but no statistically significant treatment effects in ratings of perceived exertion were observed. These authors found that a 3mg/kg/bw dose of caffeine appears to improve cycling performance in well-trained and familiarised athletes and that doubling the dose to 6 mg/kg/bw does not confer any additional improvements in performance.

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