
November 10, 2020

Analysis of α-dicarbonyl compounds in coffee (Coffea arabica) prepared under various roasting and brewing condition

J Kwon et al, 2020. Analysis of α-dicarbonyl compounds in coffee (Coffea arabica) prepared under various roasting and brewing condition, Food Chemistry, published online.


This study investigated the correlations of α-dicarbonyl compounds (α-DCs), including glyoxal (GO), methylglyoxal (MGO) and diacetyl (DA), formed in coffee prepared under various roasting and brewing methods. The levels of α-DCs in Brazilian coffee beans (Coffea arabica) ranged from 28.3 to 178 μg/mL. Concentration ranges of GO, MGO and DA were 1.31–6.57, 25.5–159 and 1.50–12.9 μg/mL, respectively. The level of α-DCs increased with high roasting temperature, long roasting time, small coffee bean particles, mineral water and espresso brewing. In correlation analysis, the roasting temperature–time showed strong negative correlations with α-DCs in espresso (− 0.886) and cold-brew coffee (–0.957). In espresso coffee, there was a strong negative correlation between the α-DCs and coffee bean particle size (− 0.918).

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