July 29, 2020
B Sinyor et al, 2020. Alzheimer’s disease, inflammation, and the role of antioxidants, J Alz Dis Rep, Volume 4 (1).
The World Health Organization refers to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) as a global health priority. As the average age of the world’s population is increasing, so too is the rate of AD. There are an estimated 47 million people globally who have been diagnosed with AD dementia, and researchers have yet to figure out the root cause. All misfolded aggregate proteins that are involved in neurodegenerative disorders (amyloid-β, Huntington’s tau, α-synuclein) induce oxidative stress. It is that oxidative stress that leads to inflammation and, in conjunction with amyloid protein and tau hyperphosphorylation, progresses to and exacerbates AD. The consumption of antioxidants and nutrients, specifically vitamin E, caffeine, and turmeric, may slow the progression of AD and can be found in a wide variety of dietary foods. This review explores the role of inflammation on AD, the antioxidants that can potentially combat it, and future directions of how the treatment of the disease can be better understood.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.