October 8, 2018
N Stefanello et al, 2018. Coffee, caffeine, chlorogenic acid, and the purinergic system, Food & Chemical Toxicology, published online.
Coffee is a drink prepared from roasted coffee beans and is lauded for its aroma and flavour. It is the third most popular beverage in the world. This beverage is known by its stimulant effect associated with the presence of metylxantines. Caffeine, a purine-like compound (1,3,7 trymetylxantine), is the most important bioactive compound in coffee, among other compounds such as chlorogenic acid (CGA), diterpenes, and trigonelline. Chlorogenic acid is a phenolic acid with biological proprieties described as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotector, hipolipidemic, and hipoglicemic compound. Purinergic system plays a key role as in the neuromodulation and homeostasis. Extracellular ATP, others nucleotides and adenosine are signalling molecules that through their specific receptors, namely purinoceptors, P1 for nucleosides and P2 for nucleotides. They regulate many pathological processes, since adenosine, for instance, can limit the damage caused by ATP in the excitotoxicity from the neuronal cells. The primary purpose of this review is to discuss the effects of coffee, caffeine, and CGA on the purinergic system. This review focuses, the relationship/interplay between coffee, caffeine, CGA, and adenosine, and their effects on ectonucleotidase activities as well as on the modulation on P1 and P2 receptors from central nervous system and also in peripheral tissues.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.