March 23, 2020
K M Harris et al, 2020. Modifiable lifestyle factors in women with Takotsubo syndrome: a case-control study, Heart Lung, published online.
Background: There is limited information on the relationship between modifiable lifestyle factors and Takotsubo syndrome (TS).
Objectives: To determine the association of physical activity, smoking, alcohol use, and caffeinated coffee consumption with TS. Methods: This case-control study enrolled women with newly diagnosed TS (n = 45), women post-myocardial infarction (MI; n = 32), and healthy women volunteers
(HC; n = 30). Information on physical activity, smoking, alcohol use, and caffeinated coffee consumption was collected 1-month post-discharge for TS and MI, and 1-month post-enrollment for HC. Results: TS women reported a higher prevalence of lifetime smoking and cigarette packs/day, greater coffee consumption, and less physical activity than HC. Associations with cigarette and coffee use remained significant in adjusted models. Physical activity, smoking, and coffee consumption were similar in TS and MI women. Conclusions: Use of psychostimulants (caffeine and cigarettes) may play a role in TS pathophysiology. These findings need to be confirmed in larger, fully powered studies.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.