April 9, 2020
A T Hulton et al, 2020. Addition of caffeine to a carbohydrate feeding strategy prior to intermittent exercise, International Journal of Sports Medicine, published online.
The ergogenic effect of caffeine is well established, although no investigations providing a high carbohydrate feeding strategy (pre-exercise meal=2 g/kg BM) co-ingested with caffeine exist for soccer. This investigation examines the effect of caffeine in addition to a pre-exercise carbohydrate meal and drink mid-way through a soccer simulation. Eight recreational soccer players completed an 85-minute soccer simulation followed by an exercise capacity test (Yo-yo Intermittent Endurance test level 2) on two occasions. Prior to exercise participants consumed a high carbohydrate meal, with placebo or 5 mg/kg BM-1 caffeine. No significant performance effect was identified (p=0.099) despite a 12.8% (109 m) improvement in exercise capacity following caffeine. Rates of carbohydrate and fat oxidation did not differ between conditions and nor were differences apparent for plasma glucose, fatty acids, glycerol, β-hydroxybutyrate (p>0.05). However, an increase in lactate was observed for caffeine (p=0.039). A significant condition effect on rating of perceived exertion was identified (p<0.001), with the overall mean for the protocol lowered to 11.7±0.9 au for caffeine compared to 12.8±1.3 au. Caffeine supplementation with a carbohydrate feeding strategy failed to affect metabolic and metabolite responses, although reductions in perception of exercise were observed. While a 12.8% increase in exercise capacity was noted the findings were not significant, possibly due to the small sample size.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.