June 6, 2013
Q Li et al, 2013, Coffee consumption and the risk of prostate cancer: the Ohsaki Cohort Study, British Journal of Cancer, published online ahead of print.
Background: Epidemiological evidence regarding the effect of coffee on the incidence of prostate cancer is inconsistent. We aimed to investigate coffee consumption and the risk of prostate cancer risk in a general Japanese population. Methods: We conducted a prospective cohort study in Ohsaki city, Japan, where 18 853 men aged 40–79 years participated in a baseline survey. Coffee consumption was assessed via a validated self-administered questionnaire. During 11 years of follow-up (from January 1 1995 to December 31, 2005), 318 incident cases of prostate cancer were detected. The Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to calculate the hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence interval (CIs). Results: There was a significant inverse association between coffee consumption and the incidence risk of prostate cancer. Compared with those who did not drink coffee, the multivariate adjusted HRs were 0.81 (95% CI: 0.61–1.07), 0.73 (95% CI: 0.53– 1.00), and 0.63 (095% CI: 0.39–1.00) for those who drank coffee occasionally, 1–2 cups per day, and >3 cups per day, respectively, with a P for trend of 0.02. Conclusion: This prospective finding from a Japanese population adds evidence that coffee intake is inversely associated with the incidence of prostate cancer.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.