
November 13, 2012

Anxiolytic and hypnotic effects in mice of roasted coffee bean volatile compounds

Y Hayashi et al, 2012, Anxiolytic and hypnotic effects in mice of roasted coffee bean volatile compounds, Neuroscience Letters, published online ahead of print.

To clarify the relationship between the volatile compounds present in roasted coffee beans and psychological stress, we investigated the stress-reducing potential of coffee volatiles in mice using a variety of behavioral pharmacology methods. In the elevated plus-maze test, exposure to coffee volatiles increased the time spent in and the number of entries into the open arms without increasing spontaneous locomotor activity. Pentobarbital-induced sleep time was prolonged by volatile exposure. No significant effects were detected in the open-field or forced-swim tests. These results suggest that coffee volatiles lower the arousal level and exert anti-anxiety-like, stress-reducing effects in mice.

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