January 13, 2012
A N Vgontzas et al, Persistent insomnia: the role of objective short sleep duration and mental health, Sleep, 2012, Volume 35.
Few population based, longitudinal studies have examined risk factors for persistent insomnia, and results have been inconsistent. Furthermore, none of these studies have examined the role of polysomnographic (PSG) variables such as sleep duration or sleep apnea on the persistence of insomnia. From a random, general population sample of 1741 individuals of the Penn State Cohort, 1395 were followed-up after 7.5 years. Individuals underwent one-night PSG and full medical evaluation at baseline and telephone interview at follow-up. PSG sleep duration was analyzed as a continuous variable and as a categorical variable: <6 h sleep (short sleep duration) and > 6 h sleep (longer sleep duration). The rates of insomnia persistence, partial remission, and full remission were 44.0%, 30.0%, and 26.0&, respectively. Objective short sleep duration significantly increased the odds of persistent insomnia as compared to normal sleep and to fully remitted insomnia. Mental health problems at baseline were strongly associated with persistent insomnia as compared to normal sleep and to a lesser degree compared to fully remitted insomnia. Smoking, caffeine, and alcohol consumption and sleep apnea did not predict persistent insomnia.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.