March 8, 2021
B Sheng et al, 2021. The relationship between healthy lifestyles and bone health: A narrative review, Medicine, Volume 100 (8).
Background: Bone health, especially osteoporosis among ageing populations, has become an important topic for both clinical and basic researchers. The relationship between bone health and healthy lifestyles has been frequently discussed. The present study focuses on the relationship between bone health and healthy lifestyles among older adults, based on a global comparison.
Methods: This narrative review was performed by collecting clinical trials, basic research and reviews on lifestyle and bone health in PubMed database.
Results: Positive effects of physical activity and negative effects of malnutrition, alcohol abuse, and cigarette smoking on bone health were revealed. The relationship between bone health and drinking coffee and tea is still inconclusive. Moreover, the diversity of each region should be aware when considering healthy lifestyles to improve bone health.
Conclusion: Healthy lifestyles are highly related to bone health, and different lifestyles may have different influences on regions with a high risk of bone diseases. It is practical to acknowledge the diversity of economic, religious, environmental and geological conditions in each region when providing suitable and effective recommendations for healthy lifestyles that can improve overall bone health.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.