January 10, 2019
E M Beckett et al, 2019, Derivation of an occupational exposure limit for diacetyl using dose-response data from a chronic animal inhalation exposure study, Journal of Applied Toxicology, published online.
Occupational exposure limits (OELs) have been previously proposed for diacetyl; however, most of these values are based on worker cohort studies that are known to have several limitations and confounders. In this analysis, an 8 hour time‐ weighted average (TWA) OEL for diacetyl was derived based on data from a chronic, 2 year animal inhalation study recently released by the US National Toxicology Program. In that study, complete histopathology was conducted on male and female mice and rats exposed to 0, 12.5, 25 or 50 ppm diacetyl. Several responses in the lower respiratory tract of rats (the more sensitive species) were chosen as the critical endpoints of interest. Benchmark concentration (BMC) modeling of these endpoints was used to estimate BMC values associated with a 10% extra risk (BMC10) and the associated 95% lower confidence bound (BMCL10), which were subsequently converted to human equivalent concentrations (HECs) using a computational fluid dynamics‐physiologically based pharmacokinetic (CFD‐PBPK) model to account for interspecies dosimetry differences. A composite uncertainty factor of 8.0 was applied to the human equivalent concentration values to yield 8 hour TWA OEL values with a range of 0.16‐0.70 ppm. The recommended 8 hour TWA OEL for diacetyl vapor of 0.2 ppm, based on minimal severity of bronchiolar epithelial hyperplasia in the rat, is practical and health‐protective.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.