April 27, 2020
A Rosi et al, 2020. Comprehensive dietary evaluation of Italian primary school children: food consumption and intake of energy, nutrients and phenolic compounds, International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, published online.
Information on children’s diet including bioactive compounds is quite scarce. This observational study investigated the composition of the diet of children living in Parma (Italy; n = 172, 8-10 years) using 3-day food records completed in winter and spring. Mean daily intakes of food groups, energy and nutrients were obtained using the national food database, while (poly)phenol contents were estimated from Phenol-Explorer or by specific literature searches. Food consumption, energy and nutrient intakes decreased in spring and were partially in line with national data. Adherence to the nutritional recommendations was not satisfied for the majority of nutrients. Main contributors to the phenolic intake were flavonoids (flavan-3-ols) and phenolic acids (hydroxycinnamic acids), while main dietary sources were fruit, chocolate-based products, vegetables, and tea & coffee (decaffeinated). This study provided the first comprehensive analysis of the nutritional composition of children’s diet. Future research should look at the health implications of dietary choices in children.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.