February 6, 2012
M J Duncan et al, The effect of caffeine ingestion on field hockey skill performance following physical fatigue, Research in Sports Medicine, 2012, Volume 20
This study examined the impact of caffeine ingestion on field hockey skill performance following high-intensity fatigue. Thirteen male hockey players performed hockey sprint dribble and ball handling tests at rest and after a bout of total body fatigue following either caffeine ingestion or placebo. Sprint dribble times were slower post fatigue compared with rest but were significantly faster post fatigue with caffeine compared with post fatigue with placebo ingestion. Ball handling scores were higher at rest compared with post fatigue, but scores post fatigue were higher following caffeine than placebo ingestion. Rating of perceived exhaustion was lower and readiness to invest physical and mental effort were significantly higher ion the caffeine condition. Caffeine ingestion may therefore be effective in offsetting decrements in skilled performance associated with fatigue
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.