March 3, 2019
C I Mack et al 2019, Robust markers of coffee consumption identified amongst the volatile organic compounds in human urine, Mol Nutr Food Res published online ahead of print.
SCOPE: The human volatilome has gained high interest for the discovery of potential biomarkers of diseases. However, knowledge about the diet as a crucial factor affecting the volatilome is scarce. Therefore, the search for disease biomarkers, as well as the potential use of volatiles as dietary markers is so far limited. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of the diet with the urinary volatilome with the special task to find potential markers of coffee consumption in 24 h urine samples from the KarMeN study.
METHODS AND RESULTS: Acidified urine samples were analyzed using an untargeted HS-SPME-GC×GC-qMS approach. Overall, 138 reliably occurring volatiles were detected. To account for the unequally concentrated urine samples, results of six different commonly used normalization methods were compared. Statistical analysis evidenced six potential markers of coffee consumption, the most promising being 3,4-dimethyl-2,5-furandione. A correlation analysis between the 24 h dietary recall data and the urinary volatilome revealed further promising associations.
CONCLUSION: The human urinary volatilome is highly affected by the diet, enabling access to a high level of information about potential diet-related biomarkers. Therefore, it is a very promising source for further investigation about dietary markers.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.