April 27, 2017
T Rohrig et al (includes Elke Richling), 2017, Identification of a phosphodiesterase inhibiting fraction from roasted coffee (Coffea arabica) through activity-guided fractionation, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, published online
Recent reports that coffee can significantly inhibit cAMP phosphodiesterases (PDE) in vitro, as well as in vivo, have added another beneficial effect of coffee consumption. However, the PDE-inhibiting substances remain mostly unknown. We chose activity-guided fractionation and an in vitro test system to identify the coffee components responsible for PDE inhibition. This approach indicated that a fraction of melanoidins reveals strong PDE inhibiting potential (IC50 = 130 ± 42 µg/mL). These melanoidins were characterized as water soluble, low molecular weight melanoidins (< 3kDa) with a nitrogen content of 4.2% and a lower carbohydrate content in contrast to other melanoidins. Fractions containing known PDE inhibitors such as chlorogenic acids, alkylpyrazines, or trigonelline as well as N-caffeoyl-tryptophan and N-p-coumaroyl-tryptophan did not exert PDE inhibiting activity. We also observed that the known PDE inhibitor caffeine does not contribute to the PDE-inhibiting effects of coffee.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.