March 10, 2019
B Olas and M Brys, 2019. Effects of coffee, energy drinks and their components on hemostasis: the hypothetical mechanisms of their action, Food and Chemical Toxicology, published online.
Hemostasis is a process which encompasses the clotting, fibrinolysis, blood platelet activation and endothelial cell function. Certain dietary components may modulate some elements of hemostasis, particularly blood platelet function, and modify the progression of cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this review paper is to provide an overview of current knowledge of the role of coffee, energy drinks and their bioactive compounds in such modulation. It describes the effect of coffee, energy drinks and their selected components (e.g. caffeine) on hemostasis, especially blood platelets, and their underlying mechanisms. Like coffee, energy drinks may modify platelet reactivity by changing the activity of signaling enzymes, and by modifying cAMP and reactive oxygen species levels. However, the effects of coffee and energy drinks on platelet activation are dependent on a range of factors, including their bioactive components, platelet activators and the methods used for monitoring platelet activation. While some studies (in vivo models) indicate that energy drinks have pro-aggregatory affects, which may be associated with an elevated risk of thrombosis, others indicate that coffee in fact reduces platelet activation, which may be beneficial for prophylaxis of thrombosis.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.