November 12, 2020
H-C Chang et al, 2020. Changes in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; levels in relation to coffee consumption among Taiwanese adults, Journal of Multidisciplinary Heath Care, Volume 13.
Purpose: High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) is essential for cardiometabolic health. Coffee consumption influences the body’s ability to regulate serum lipid profile. Although there is extensive information on coffee and cholesterol, not much is known whether changes in HDL-C concentrations are affected by coffee with or without flavoring substances.
Materials and methods: Using historical data collected from 1272 participants in Li-Shin (Landseed) International Hospital in Northern Taiwan, we examined the relationship between HDL-C and consumption of plain black coffee with and without additives. Data on coffee consumption between 2006 and 2019 were collected based on self-reported questionnaires while HDL-C measurements were obtained from the electronic medical records of the hospital. t-test, chi-square test and multivariate linear regression analysis were used for analysis.
Results: In our primary analysis, we found that coffee consumption of ≥5 cups per week was positively associated with HDL-C (β = 1.9586, p=0.0442) compared with the lowest level (<1 cup/week) of consumption. We found in a separate model that higher (≥5 cups/week) or lower (1-4 cups/week) consumption of plain black coffee without additives was associated with higher HDL-C. The corresponding β values were 4.0674 (p = 0.0007) and 4.1253 (p = 0.0008), respectively. However, HDL-C levels were not affected by coffee with additives.
Conclusion: We found that consumption of black coffee without additives was associated with higher concentrations of HDL-C among Taiwanese adults over the age of 30. However, HDL-C levels did not change significantly among individuals who consumed black coffee with additives.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.