March 25, 2014
B Kalaska et al, 2014, Antithrombotic effects of pyridinium compounds formed from trigonelline upon coffee roasting, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, published online ahead of print.
ABSTRACT: Coffee may exert a preventive effect on arterial thrombosis. Trigonelline is one of the most abundant compounds in coffee that undergoes pyrolysis upon roasting of coffee beans. The aim of the present study was to identify pyridinium compounds formed upon trigonelline pyrolysis and coffee roasting and to investigate the effect of three of them, i.e., 1- methylpyridine and 1,3- and 1,4-dimethylpyridine, on experimentally induced arterial thrombosis in rats. 1,3- and 1,4- dimethylpyridine but not 1-methylpyridine inhibited arterial thrombus formation. 1,3-Dimethylpyridine inhibited platelet aggregation and reduced fibrin formation in platelet-rich plasma, whereas 1,4-dimethylpyridine increased the plasma level of 6- keto-PGF1α. 1,4-Dimethylpyridine slightly increased rat tissue plasminogen activator plasma activity. In summary, we demonstrated that pyridinium compounds display mild antithrombotic properties due to stimulation by prostacyclin release (1,4- dimethylpyridine) and inhibition of platelet aggregation (1,3 dimethylpyridine). Those pyridinium compounds may, to some extent, be responsible for the beneficial effects of coffee drinking.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.