December 22, 2016
S Suvi et al, 2016. Effects of caffeine on endurance capacity and psychological state in young females and males exercising in heat, Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, published online.
Acute caffeine ingestion is considered effective in improving endurance capacity and psychological state. However, current knowledge is based on the findings of studies that have been conducted on male subjects mainly in temperate environmental conditions, but some physiological and psychological effects of caffeine differ between the sexes. The purpose of this study was to compare the physical performance and psychological effects of caffeine in young women and men exercising in the heat. Thirteen male and 10 female students completed 2 constant-load walks (60% of thermoneutral peak oxygen consumption on a treadmill until volitional exhaustion) in a hot-dry environment (air temperature, 42 °C; relative humidity, 20%) after caffeine (6 mg·kg-1) and placebo (wheat flour) ingestion in a double-blind, randomly assigned, crossover manner. Caffeine, compared with placebo, induced greater increases (p < 0.05) in heart rate (HR) and blood lactate concentrations in both males and females but had no impact on rectal or skin temperatures or on walking time to exhaustion in subjects of either gender. Caffeine decreased (p < 0.05) ratings of perceived exertion and fatigue in males, but not in females. In females, but not in males, a stronger belief that they had been administered caffeine was associated with a shorter time to exhaustion. In conclusion, acute caffeine ingestion increases HR and blood lactate levels during exercise in the heat, but it has no impact on thermoregulation or endurance capacity in either gender. Under exercise-heat stress, caffeine reduces ratings of perceived exertion and fatigue in males but not in females.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.