January 7, 2021
K M Joyce et al, 2021. Addictive behaviors across the menstrual cycle: a systematic review, Archive of Women’s Mental Health, published online.
Research examining relations between menstrual cycle phase and female addictive behaviors is accumulating. Theories suggest addictive behaviors may increase during specific phases of the menstrual cycle resulting from cyclical fluctuations in hormones and affect. In line with self-medication theory, we predicted that addictive behaviors would increase premenstrually and menstrually, phases marked by elevations in negative affect, relative to the follicular and luteal phases. We also hypothesized, coinciding with reward-sensitivity theory, that addictive behaviors may increase during ovulation, a phase characterized by increased positive affect, compared to the same phases. This systematic review summarizes extant literature examining the menstrual cycle phase-addictive behavior relationship and underlying motivations. Articles pertaining to menstrual cycle phase and addictive behaviors within the PsycINFO, CINAL, and PubMED databases were screened to determine eligibility following PRISMA guidelines (n = 1568). Thirty-four articles examining alcohol use, cannabis use, nicotine use, caffeine use, and gambling behavior across menstrual cycle phase met inclusion criteria. Consistent with self-medication theory, strong evidence indicated that nicotine use increased premenstrually and menstrually. Other factors increasing both nicotine and alcohol use premenstrually and menstrually include having a premenstrual dysphoric disorder diagnosis or having premenstrual syndrome. Motivations for using alcohol and nicotine may too vary by menstrual cycle phase. Results were less consistent or understudied for other addictive behaviors and thus conclusions cannot be drawn. Menstrual cycle phase appears to be a female-specific factor affecting some addictive behaviors, particularly nicotine use, and should be considered when conducting addictive behavior research or clinical interventions for reproductive-aged females with addictive disorders.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.