March 4, 2020
T Yoshioka et al, 2020. Identification of acrylamide adducts generated during storage of canned milk coffee, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, published online.
Since coffee is a significant contributor to the consumption of acrylamide, its reduction is required. Acrylamide is produced during the roasting of coffee beans, but the roasting process is an essential step in determining the taste of coffee. Acrylamide content in coffee has been suggested to decrease by reacting with proteins and/or other substances during storage, but details are unknown. Investigation of acrylamide adducts may contribute to a strategy for acrylamide reduction in coffee. In this study, a stable isotope labeling technique, combined with high-resolution mass spectrometry, allows the identification of acrylamide adducts (3-hydroxypyridine-acrylamide and pyridine-acrylamide) in canned milk coffee. Other acrylamide adducts derived from milk coffee proteins, Lys-acrylic acid and CysSO2-acrylic acid, were identified. During a 4-month storage period, the formation of these four adducts was found to reduce the total content of acrylamide by 75.3% in canned milk coffee. Therefore, endogenous proteins can be used in acrylamide reduction.
Ja tak, jeg vil gerne modtage nyhedsbrev, når der er noget nyt om kaffe og helbred.