May 30, 2014
S J Song et al, 2014, Decaffeinated green coffee bean extract attenuates diet‐induced obesity and insulin resistance in mice, Evidence Based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, published online ahead of print.
Animal Study – Obesity/Insulin resistance
ABSTRACT: This study investigated whether decaffeinated green coffee bean extract prevents obesity and improves insulin resistance and elucidated its mechanism of action. Male C57BL/6N mice (N = 48) were divided into six dietary groups: chow diet, HFD, HFD‐supplemented with 0.1%, 0.3%, and 0.9% decaffeinated green coffee bean extract, and 0.15% 5‐caffeoylquinic acid. Based on the reduction in HFD‐induced body weight gain and increments in plasma lipids, glucose, and insulin levels, the minimum effective dose of green coffee bean extract appears to be 0.3%. Green coffee bean extract resulted in down regulation of genes involved in WNT10b‐ and galanin‐mediated adipogenesis and TLR4‐mediated pro inflammatory pathway and stimulation of GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane in white adipose tissue. Taken together, decaffeinated green coffee bean extract appeared to reverse HFDinduced fat accumulation and insulin resistance by downregulating the genes involved in adipogenesis and inflammation in visceral adipose tissue.
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