3 – 5 cups of coffee protect CVD

3-5 cups of coffee per day may help protect against cardiovascular disease

Updated report and review of the latest science looks at coffee consumption and heart disease + infographic

29 September 2016 – In Europe, cardiovascular disease – CVD – is the main cause of death, accounting for 45% of all deaths[1,2]. Each year, over 4 million Europeans die from CVD – one death every 7 seconds[3].

Overall, the scientific evidence suggests that there is no association between coffee drinking and an increased risk of CVD. Many scientific studies have suggested that coffee consumption may help protect against heart disease, with the greatest protection seen at a moderate intake of coffee (3-5 cups per day). The lowest CVD mortality risk is seen at an intake of approximately 3 cups of coffee per day, reducing risk by up to 21%[4,5].

The latest facts and scientific research on coffee and cardiovascular disease can be found in the newly-updated “Cardiovascular health” topic section of ISIC’s website. ISIC has also published today the second edition of its report The good things in life: can coffee protect against the risk of CVD mortality?, which provides a comprehensive overview of the latest research into coffee, caffeine and cardiovascular disease.

The latest conclusions on coffee and cardiovascular disease suggest the following:

  • A review on coffee consumption and mortality, totalling 1,054,571 participants, suggested a significant inverse, i.e. favourable association between coffee consumption and CVD mortality risk, especially in women. Intakes of coffee at 3-5 cups per day showed the most significant protective effect, whilst quantities over 5 cups per day were associated with a smaller reduction in total mortality[6].
  • A large American cohort study of over 2,500 CVD deaths suggested a positive association between coffee consumption and all-cause mortality in men, and also in men and women below 55 years of age. The authors advised that younger people should avoid heavy coffee consumption, cautioning that the finding should be assessed in other populations[7].
  • A meta-analysis of well-controlled prospective studies suggested that coffee consumption was not associated with risk of coronary heart disease, weakly associated with a lower risk of stroke and heart failure, and not associated with a higher risk of fatal cardiovascular events. Overall, the authors concluded that for most healthy people, moderate coffee consumption is unlikely to adversely affect cardiovascular health[8].
  • Two meta-analyses suggest an association between coffee consumption and CVD risk, proposing a ‘U-shaped’ pattern whereby optimal protective effects were achieved with 3-5 cups of coffee per day. The greatest risk reduction may be seen at 3 cups of coffee per day, with a reduced CVD mortality risk at 21%[4,5].

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